A Deep Dive Into the Electric Industry: Electrification Unplugged

Follow along on General Manager/CEO Doug Elliott's deep dive into the most important topics of the electric utility industry through the articles on this page. Be sure to start with the "The Electric Industry" article as each will relate to the last and to the next! New articles will be posted monthly so don't forget to check back for the next one.

1. The Electric Industry

Understand the challenges our industry is facing and why we started the Electrification Unplugged series.

2. What is an Electric Cooperative

Learn how electric cooperatives were formed, what makes us different and the set of principles all cooperatives must follow.

3. Fundamentals of the Electric Grid

Learn about the diversity of the electric grid and how it can be modified to match the demand of those who rely on it. 

4. Power Supply in the Pacific Northwest

Learn what dispatchable power means, what the Columbia River Treaty is and why the Bonneville Power Administration was formed.

5. Regional Power Supply

Learn where KEC's total power purchases come from, the challenges we face in purchasing power and what we are doing about it.