Although 96.6% of the power KEC sells is carbon-free, some members would like the option to be 100% carbon-free in their energy purchases. To meet that desire, KEC is now offering two new carbon-free options. In short, these programs allow carbon-conscious members to purchase all or a portion of their power from carbon-free resources. The two options are outlined below. Please note: these programs are voluntary and the members participating in them fully cover the program costs. 

top it off logoHow it works:
The remaining 3.4% of your energy consumption will be supplied with clean, local, renewable power. Each month KEC will replace the carbon-based power you would typically consume with carbon-free power. The amount will vary month to month based on your electric use.


buy a block logoHow it works:
Purchase renewable power in a block of 13 kWh. Each block is $1 per month. Use this program to reduce your carbon footprint, or go above and beyond and help reduce your friends and neighbors’ carbon footprints by purchasing additional blocks. For example: members using an average of 1,000 kWh per month would need to purchase three blocks to offset their carbon-based power.

Interested in how these may affect your bill? Use the Carbon Free Energy Bill Calculator


renewable energy rate infographic

donut chart of current fuel mix


Energy Sources

NW Fuel Mix HPFH